Niniejsza strona internetowa ma charakter "fanpage'u". Witryna ma za zadanie przybliżyć sylwetkę zespołu VAN HALEN. Zamieszczone zdjęcia i materiały mają charakter wyłącznie informacyjny, a wszelkie do nich prawa należą do odpowiednich osób i instytucji (Van Halen). Jeśli któreś ze zdjęć lub materiałów naruszają prawa autorskie powiadom mnie o tym, a zostaną one usunięte.

(Lee Roth, Van Halen, Anthony)


I checked it out. I think you ought to know.
I'm only wastin' time. I think I'd better go.
You way too civilized. Oh,
loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Baby, I checked it out. I think you ought to know.
I'm only wastin' time. I think I'd better go.
You way too civilized. Oh,
loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!
Baby, I checked it out. I think you ought to know.
I'm only wastin' time. I think I'd better go.
You way too civilized. Oh,
loss of control, loss of control, loss of control!